Thursday, March 4, 2010

Be a Star Performer at Work with Minimal Effort

Be a Star Performer at Work with Minimal Effort

"What's the big secret? What really separates star workers from average performers?" you ask. How will you like to be a star performer without much effort? The article below is written with the simple objective of directing you to the blueprint for success in both your work and life, with minimal effort required.

Now start unveiling that star performer within you, as you equip yourself with the strategies for success.

1. Network

Networking is more than a stack of business cards. It involves identifying contacts and relationships with others who have similar interests, ideas and goals. The purpose is to draw benefit from these relationships. It is important not to have a misconception that networking manipulates people. Instead think of it as synergy, because networking benefits are usually of value to all the parties involved.

Be proactive in getting direct and immediate access to coworkers with technical expertise and sharing your own knowledge with those who need it. The goal is to minimize the knowledge deficit that is inherent in every brain powered job.

The first trick to being a star performer is to know where to get help. By knowing where to get help when you need, you are able to do things faster and more easily. Star performers may not know everything. However, they are people who know where to go for the cooperation, support and expertise they need to do their jobs. Furthermore, they are able to recognize the places where their own knowledge and expertise can contribute to team results.

2. Perspective

Getting the big picture and knowing how you fit into the organization is essential for a star performer like you. Having such a perspective allows you to see a project or a problem in a larger context and through the eyes of the other stakeholders.

By putting yourself in other peoples' shoes, you are able to evaluate the relative importance of various viewpoints. Thus, by being a star performer with a perspective, it gives you an edge by allowing you to pre-empt what other stakeholders will require. This minimizes your effort in doing a task repeatedly and reflects positively on you for having taken the initiative.

3. Self-management

To become your best self - a star, a great leader, a fulfilled worker - you need to know yourself and your goals very well. Take some time to think through what you really desire in life.

No one else but yourself is responsible for your career development. If you feel that you require certain courses to improve your expertise and be better able to handle your work scope, highlight this to your Human Resource department. The onus is on you to convince them of the benefits this will bring to them as you are more equipped to handle the job.

By planning ahead and knowing what is required of you and your job, you are able to minimize your effort in redoing things. Do practice to perform a task so well that you would only have to do it once.

"There is no better time than now." - Start being a Star Performer Today

Star performance on a work-place team follows the same principles as star performance on an athletic team. A talented quarterback on a football team will get nowhere without knowing who is good at running for short yardage, who is good at receiving a long pass, and who is good at the sweeping end run. He also needs to know who will protect him against a rushing offense.

The traits that make stars different from everyone else are the strategies they use to do their own work and to work well with other people. By learning what others have done right, the effort that is required of you is also now minimized.


Take some time today to ask yourself, "Are you well- equipped to be a star performer?"

1. Are you able to get help from others when you need them?

2. Do you often get caught up with the minute details instead of the big picture?

3. What are your goals in life? Is your current skillset aligned with them?

Awake the star potential within you, with minimal effort required. Note that this is also applicable to entrepreneurs as you can excel in your own business too!

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