Thursday, March 4, 2010

Being a Stay Home Mum (Part 1)


There is no greater joy than watching your children grow and learn, especially when you are the one teaching them. Being a stay at home mom is indeed rewarding, exciting, exhilarating, gratifying and precious. However, it can also be exhausting, stressful, busy, lonely and financially difficult. Consider these points to help you make your decision:
Finances- Living from only one income is often the biggest tie-breaker when making this decision. Keep in mind that it doesn't have to be. Many at home parents find a happy medium supplementing with part time or work from home jobs. This helps to offset the stress of drastically reducing your family's income. In most cases, living on a reduced income means that sacrifices are in short order.

What expenses are you willing to cut back on in order to make your goal a reality, like:
- Family vacations
- Eating at home vs. eating out
- Cable TV
- Cut back to one vehicle
- Buy generic brand products
- Clip coupons
- Car Pool
- Make your own bread and other baked goods
- Do your own manicures
-Creating a budget

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